Luova´s services
Technical Service
Luova offers maintenance on all process equipment in the surface treatment, waste treatment, air quality (fume scrubbers), grease separation and filtration areas. In order to minimize down time we offer comprehensive programs for preventive maintenance.
If something fails and needs immediate repair Luova’s service staff is readily available to fix the problem.
Luova’s personnel have over 25 years of experience designing, engineering and installing projects in the pickling, waste water treatment, grease separation and filtration areas. We feel comfortable working on any projects which involve aggressive media in piping systems, tanks or pits.
Our engineers’ great knowledge concerning process control in combination with vast programming experience means that we can offer turnkey solutions for the process problems you might have.
Training programs
New staff in the acid handling area? Luova’s training program goes through the different steps in an anneal and pickling line with all the auxiliary equipment on a level which suits any new employees.
Training for operators, maintenance personnel and shift managers is available for a lot of functions and machines surrounding the pickling and neutralization area.
Spare parts and consumables
- Ion Selective Electrodes (ISE), H+, F- and Reference Electrodes
- Calibration and Standard Solutions for ISE users
- Automatic and manual valves made of PP, PVDF, PVC, PE and Stainless Steel
- Pumps for aggressive media such as:
– Horizontal Centrifugal Pumps with single or double mechanical seal
– Vertical Centrifugal Pumps (submerged)
– Magnetic Coupled (Mag-Drive) Centrifugal Pumps for clean solutions
– Pneumatically Operated Membrane (Air Over Diaphragm) Pumps for fluids containing solids and/or high viscosity
– Electromagnetic Dosing Pumps for high precision chemical dosing - Filter Cloths and Cartridges made of PP, PVDF, PE or Stainless Steel
- Meters for level, pressure, flow, pH, conductivity, turbidity and much more